All Corporate NewsSearch by date and topic for press releases, news and ASE announcements All Corporate News Press Releases Our News Regulatory Announcements Publications Media Kit Filter All Υears2025202420232022202120202019 (-)20182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005 Filter (-)All Content TagsChange of composition of Board of Directors – Senior DirectorsDividendsGeneral MeetingOther Announcements 21.12.2018 Announcement – Use of DESFA sale proceeds HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA (the "Company") announces that following the successful completion of the sale of the entire of its 35% participation in the share capital of DESFA and the receipt of the proceeds of €284 million, the BoD of the... 20.12.2018 Announcement - Completion of DESFA sale process HELLENIC PETROLEUM announces the successful completion of the sale of 66% of DESFA’s share capital (31% for HRADF and 35% for HELPE S.A.) to “SENFLUGA Energy Infrastructure Holdings S.A.”, a JV of Snam S.p.A, Enagás Internacional S.L.U. and Fluxys S.A... 30.11.2018 Announcement of new BoD composition “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” announces that the Hellenic Republic, through its letter dated 19th November 2018 signed by the Ministers of Finance and of Environment and Energy, notified, in accordance with Article 20, par. 6 (a) of the Company’s Articles of... 09.11.2018 ANNOUNCEMENT FOR INTERIM DIVIDEND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018 HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. hereby announces, in accordance with article of the ASE Rulebook, that the Company's Board of Directors decided during its meeting, that took place on 08.11.2018, to distribute a gross amount of euro 76,408,796 or euro 0.25... 08.11.2018 Third Quarter / Nine month 2018 financial results Record high 9M18 reported Net Income (+32%) and exports; stronger profitability, increased production and sales in 3Q18. HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group announced its 3Q and 9M financial results. 3Q18 Reported EBITDA came in at €258 m (+12%), leading 9M to a... 04.09.2018 HELLENIC PETROLEUM WINS STEVIE® BRONZE AWARD IN 2018 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AWARDS® IN THE CATEGORY “BEST ANNUAL REPORT” At 9 August 2018, HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA was awarded a Stevie® bronze Award in the “Best Annual Report – Print” category in the 15th Annual International Business Awards®. The International Business Awards (IBA) are among the world’s premier business awards... 30.08.2018 Second quarter / first half 2018 financial results Record reported profitability and strong operating results despite weaker refining margins, stronger euro and planned refining maintenance HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group announced its 2Q/1H18 financial results. IFRS Reported EBITDA came in at €307m in 2Q18 vs €152m in 2Q17, with 1H18... 26.07.2018 Fires in Attica The Hellenic Petroleum Group, its employees, partners, shareholders and management express their sorrow and their full support to those affected by the catastrophic fires in Attica, in Greece.We declare our readiness and willingness to assist in any appropriate way in... 23.07.2018 Announcement - Signing of DESFA’s sale agreement In the context of the sale process for the 66% (31% stake owned by HRADF and 35% stake owned by HELPE) of the share capital of the Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator S.A. (DESFA), sellers ELPE and TAIPED proceeded on... 27.06.2018 Completion of a €900 million refinancing process HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA announces that, on 26 June 2018, the Group has completed the refinancing of existing debt and proceeded to the arrangement of new loans totaling approximately €900 million, securing the Group’s funding for operational and investing needs for... 07.06.2018 Formation of the new Board of Directors “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” announces that following the election of the new Board of Directors of the Company by the Special General Meeting of the minority shareholders and the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders on 06.06.2018, the Board of Directors... 31.05.2018 First quarter 2018 financial results Strong 1Q18 profitability, with increased production and sales, despite weaker refining environment; record high exports. HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group announced financial results, according to IFRS, with 1Q18 Adjusted EBITDA at €149m and Adjusted Net Income at €62m, recording a decrease vs... 16.05.2018 INVITATION FOR THE MINORITY SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” (General Commercial Registry Nu. 296601000) TO THE SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING Pursuant to codified law 2190/1920 “on Sociétés Anonymes” and the Company’s Articles of Association and following the Board of Directors’ resolution no.1321 dated 10/5/2018, the Minority Shareholders of “HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA”, (the “Company”) are invited to the Special General Meeting... 15.05.2018 INVITATION FOR THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” (General Commercial Registry Nu. 296601000) TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (FINANCIAL YEAR 1.1.2017-31.12.2017) Pursuant to codified law 2190/1920 “on Sociétés Anonymes” and the Company’s Articles of Association and following the Board of Directors’ resolution no.1321 dated 10/5/2018, the Shareholders of “HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA”, (the “Company”) are invited to the Annual General Meeting to... 20.04.2018 INVITATION FOR THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” (General Commercial Registry Nu. 296601000) TO THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Pursuant to codified law 2190/1920 “on Sociétés Anonymes” and the Company’s Articles of Association and following the Board of Directors’ resolution no.1319 dated 19/4/2018, the Shareholders of “HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA”, (the “Company”) are invited to the Extraordinary General Meeting to... 1 2 Next page