ESG Data and Indices

Athex ESG Indicators

As a company listed on the Athens Stock Exchange (ATHEX) and in the ATHEX ESG index, we have adopted the ATHEX “Guide for reporting non-financial information” (Advanced metrics & Sector-specific metrics). We present our performance in matters of environment, society and corporate governance (ESG), seeking to achieve more effective communication with investors via high-quality and comparable data.

IDMetric Title202120222023Reference to GRI Standards (2023)
C-E1Scope 1 emissions3,766,691.12 tn CO2 eq3,643,353 tn CO2 eq3,842,390.54 tn CO2 eq (verified 3,825,179 tn CO2 eq for 3 refineries under EU ETS)305-1
C-E1GHG intensity of Scope 1 emissions0.1657 tn CO2 eq/ tn
total distribution
0.1562 tn CO2 eq/tn
total distribution
300.11 tn CO2 eq / million € net revenue305-1
C-E2Scope 2 emissions305,110 tn COeq305,110 tn CO2 eq336,104.79 tn CO2 eq305-2
C-E2GHG intensity of Scope 2 emissions0,01957 tn CO2 eq/tn
total distribution
0,01308 tn CO2 eq/tn
total distribution
26.25 tn CO2 eq / million € net revenue305-2
C-E3Total amount of energy consumed within the organisation52,924,155.51 GJ48,116,202.35 GJ54,564,835.77 GJ302-1
C-E3Percentage of electricity consumed8.87%8.86%5.67%302-1
C-E3Percentage of renewable energy consumed1.70%2.03%2.33%302-1
C-E3Total amount of energy produced1,532,008 GJ3,102,911 GJ3,994,027 GJ302-1
C-E3Percentage of renewable energy produced13.10%54.80%59.3%302-1
A-E1Scope 3 emissions567,628 tn CO2 eq499,924 tn CO2 eq54,791,139 tn CO2 eq305-3
A-E1GHG intensity of Scope 3 emissions0.0267 tn
CO2 eq/ tn
total distribution
0.0238 tn CO2 eq/ tn
total distribution
4279.53 tn CO2 eq / million € net revenue305-3
A-E2Climate change risks and opportunities   201-1
A-E3Waste management - Total amount of hazardous waste12,920,74 tn58,317 tn13,796.08 tn306-3306-4306-5
A-E3Waste management - Total amount of non-hazardous waste15,575.14 tn11,462.75 tn11,221.28 tn306-3306-4306-5
A-E3Percentage of waste by type of treatment (Recycling)41%87.03%86.58%306-3306-4306-5
A-E3Percentage of waste by type of treatment (Recovered)49%306-3306-4306-5
A-E3Percentage of waste by type of treatment (Landfilled)9%12.77%13.42%306-3306-4306-5
A-E3Percentage of waste by type of treatment (Re-use)1%  306-3306-4306-5
A-E3Percentage of waste by type of treatment (Incinerated) 0.20%0.005%306-3306-4306-5
A-E4Effluent discharge6,933,004 m37,481,223.8 m37,525,965.55 m3303-2303-4
A-E5Biodiversity sensitive areas   304-1304-2
SS-E1Emission strategy   Climate Change- Mitigation and Adoption
SS-E2Air pollutant emissions (NΟx)2,696.57 tn2,617.26 tn2,377.69 tn305-7
SS-E2Air pollutant emissionsν (SO2)3,999.06 tn4,946.66 tn4,145.43 tn305-7
SS-E2Air pollutant emissions (VOC)1,506.36 tn1,447.51 tn1,505.15 tn305-7
SS-E2Air pollutant emissions (PM10)209.39 tn181.58 tn114.85 tn305-7
SS-E3Water consumption - Total water withdrawn11,847,875.33 m313,945,850.40 m314,420,236.70 m3303-1303-3303-4303-5
SS-E3Water consumption - Total water consumed11,592,636.53 m36,464,626.60 m36,894,271.15 m3303-1303-3303-4303-5
SS-E3Water consumption - Percentage of water recycled29%24%31%303-1303-3303-4303-5
IDMetric Title202120222023Reference to GRI Standards (2023)
C-S1Stakeholder engagement   2-29
C-S2Female employees20%19.90%20.49%405-1
C-S3Women in managerial positions21.70%22%22.39%405-1
C-S4Employee turnover - Voluntary turnover4.66%3.60%3.12%401-1
C-S4Employee turnover - Involuntary turnover0.26%1.6%0.41%401-1
C-S5Employee training - Average training hours of employees in the top 10% of employees by total compensation19.10 hours19.20 hours29.27
C-S5Employee training - Average training hours of employees in the bottom 90% of employees by total compensation22.50 hours22.50 hours23.62
C-S6Human rights policy   2-23
C-S7Collective bargaining agreements - Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements73.10%82.80%82.39%2-30407-1
C-S8Supplier assessment   2-24308-1
Α-S1Sustainable economic activity - Percentage of sustainable turnover0.06%0.26%0.419%201-2
Α-S1Sustainable economic activity - Percentage of sustainable CapEx0.16%36.80%12.957%201-2
Α-S1Sustainable economic activity - Percentage of sustainable OpEx57.60%4.73%5.731%201-2
Α-S2Employee training expenditure734,727 €951,870 €961,746 €404-1
Α-S3Gender pay gap25.49%24.33%24.29%405-2
CEO pay ratio4.27%3.82%24:.12-21 , Remuneratin Report
SS-S6Health and safety performance - Number of injuries545153403-9403-10
SS-S6Health and safety performance - Number of fatalities000403-9403-10
SS-S6Health and safety performance - Accident frequency rate0.750.620.49403-9403-10
SS-S6Health and safety performance - Accident severity rate12.8310.487.94403-9403-10
IDMetric Title202120222023Reference to GRI Standards (2023)
C-G1Board composition - Percentage of female board members25%25%25%2-92-102-112-15 Suitability Policy
C-G1Board composition - Percentage of non-executive board members81.80%81.80%81.80%2-92-102-112-15 Suitability Policy
C-G1Board composition - Percentage of both non-executive and independent board members36%36%36%2-92-102-112-15 Suitability Policy
C-G2Sustainability oversight   2-92-122-132-14
C-G3Materiality   2-143-1, 3-3
C-G4Sustainability policy   2-22
C-G5Business ethics policy   2-23205-1205-2205-3206-1
C-G6Data security policy   418-1
A-G1Business model   2-6
A-G2Business ethics violations - Total amount of monetary losses0 €0 €0 €205-3, 206-1
A-G3ESG targets   2-22, 3-3Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
A-G4Variable pay16,05%16,38%19.14%2-19
A-G5External assurance   2-5
SS-G2Critical risk management   Critical Incident Risk Management

ESG Transparency Score

Significant performance for the transparent disclosure of ESG information about our companies and activities, in accordance with the indicators of the ATHEX ESG Reporting Guide.
*powered by ATHEX ESG Data Portal

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