Analysts Coverage
Company | Analyst |
Ambrosia Capital | O. Memisoglu |
Alpha Finance | I. Noikokyrakis |
AXIA Ventures | C. Zouzoulas |
Bank Pekao | K. Koziel |
Edison | N. Paton |
Eurobank Equities | N. Athanasoulias |
Euroxx Securities | F. Tzioukalia |
Goldman Sachs | M. Della Vigna |
Morgan Stanley | Ricardo Nasser de Rezende Filho |
Optima bank | N. Katsios |
Pantelakis Securities | V. Kollias |
Piraeus Securities | V. Roumantzis |
PKO BP | A. Milewicz |
Wood Company | J. Lamb |
Opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings’ performance expressed by the analysts at the aforementioned brokerage firms are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, estimates or forecasts of HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings or its management. HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings does not imply any endorsement of or concurrence with such information, opinions, estimates, forecasts, conclusions or recommendations. HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings does not undertake any obligation to regularly update the aforementioned information.