electromobility services


At HELLENiQ ENERGY, we actively respond to contemporary developments and support the promotion of sustainable transport. We are committed to initiatives that aim to transform the technological structure of transport, including adjustments to the fuel mix to reduce the carbon footprint. 

We engage in this emerging market through ElpeFuture in multiple roles: as an E-mobility Service Provider (EMSP), a Charge Point Operator (CPO), and a Transaction Processing System Operator (TPS). 


>200 charging facilities at EKO & bp service stations and other points of interest

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Our Solutions for Convenient Fast Charging

Fast Chargers (DC) up to 150 kW

We offer fast chargers with a capacity of up to 150 kW at Group, EKO, and bp service stations, located on highways and in urban areas.

Chargers (AC) up to 22 kW

We have installed AC chargers with a capacity of up to 22 kW in parking lots of major shopping centers, public parking areas, and private parking lots of Group facilities and partner B2B businesses.

ElpeFuture ChargenGo App

Through the ElpeFuture ChargenGo mobile app, which provides 24-hour service and is continually updated, we support registered users by providing RFID cards (cards with radio frequency identification) for enhanced accessibility and convenience.

Taking the Lead in E-mobility

We are advancing in order to offer the most modern integrated e-mobility services, while we aim to install more than 8,500 charging stations by 2030. 

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