All Corporate NewsSearch by date and topic for press releases, news and ASE announcements All Corporate News Press Releases Our News Regulatory Announcements Publications Media Kit Filter All Υears202520242023202220212020 (-)201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005 Filter (-)All Content TagsChange of composition of Board of Directors – Senior DirectorsDividendsGeneral MeetingOther Announcements 30.12.2019 The EU Refining Industry a key for reaching climate neutrality From the left, the Cypriot MEP Lefteris Christoforou, the Greek MEP Theodoros Zagorakis, the Director of Energy Policy and International Affairs of the HELPE Group, Mrs. Liana Gouta, the Greek MEP, Mrs. Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, the Director General of FuelsEurope. Mr... 20.12.2019 New announcement for interim dividend for fiscal year 2019 Further to Hellenic Petroleum S.A. (the “Company”) previous announcement, dated 5 November 2019 for the distribution of an interim dividend of € 76,408,796, or € 0.25 per share, for the financial year 2019, the Company announces that under the provisions... 09.12.2019 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the “Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund S.A.” (“HRADF” or “the Fund”) for the joint sale of 100% of the shares of DEPA Infrastructure S.A. HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A announces that today, 9 December 2019, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was executed with the “Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund S.A.” (“HRADF” or “the Fund”) for the joint sale of 100% of the shares of DEPA Infrastructure... 04.12.2019 CSR Panorama: A periodically brief about Corporate Social Responsibility actions CSR Panorama aims to, not only periodically brief all stakeholders, but also reach out to the public and inform them about the initiatives the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group implements within the frame of its “360ο Actions” Program and its four main... 02.12.2019 The HELLENIC PETROLEUM GROUP’s Social & Economical Impact in Greece HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group, one of the leading energy groups in Southeast Europe, confirms its responsible attitude and multiannual contribution, creating added value for the Greek economy and society.The Group’s economic and social value is reflected through an extensive study, which... 29.11.2019 INVITATION TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” (General Commercial Registry 296601000) FOR AN EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Pursuant to the law and the Company’s Articles of Association and following the Board of Directors’ resolution no.1357 dated 29/11/2019, the Shareholders of “HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA”, (the “Company”) are invited to an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at the... 06.11.2019 ANNOUNCEMENT FOR INTERIM DIVIDEND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. hereby announces, in accordance with article of the ASE Rulebook, that the Company's Board of Directors decided during its meeting, that took place on 05.11.2019, to distribute a gross amount of euro 76,408,796 or euro 0.25... 05.11.2019 Third quarter / Nine month 2019 financial results Operating profitability significantly higher vs 1H19, with consistent improvement in financials; Interim dividend of €0.25/share HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group announced its 3Q/9M19 financial results in accordance with IFRS. 3Q19 Adjusted EBITDA came in at €201m, a notable improvement vs last quarters... 31.10.2019 HELPE Group statement about reports referring to a "discovery of an important reserve" In response to certain reports referring to a “discovery of an important reserve” in the Greek territory, HELPE Group would like to state the following: ”Even though indications or estimates for natural gas and oil reserves may exist in various... 25.10.2019 Announcement -Οrganizational changes Hellenic Petroleum S.A. announces the following organizational changes:- Mr. Christian Thomas is appointed Chief Financial Officer of the Group, effective 1 November 2019. Mr. Thomas holds a Bachelor’s degree in economics and a Master’s Degree in Information Systems from the... 24.10.2019 HELLENIC PETROLEUM COB IOANNIS PAPATHANASIOU SPEAKS AT “CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE 2019” The HELPE Group has embraced and actively supports the national efforts towards Sustainable Development and Energy Transition to a low carbon economy, stated the Chairman of the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Board of Directors Ioannis Papathanasiou during his address at the “Climate... 22.10.2019 "Energy for Life Travels" Installation of a Photovoltaic System at Donoussa Junior High School The teaching staff and representatives of the HELPE Group and "AGONI GRAMMI GONIMI" in front of the school. A 5kW photovoltaic system was installed at Donoussa Junior High School within the framework of the Corporate Social Responsibility program “Energy for... 27.09.2019 Announcement for the pricing of new €500m Issue HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA (the “Company” and, together with its consolidated subsidiaries, the “Group”), in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 596/2014/EU, the Decision of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission no 1/434/03.07.2007 and the Athens Exchange Rulebook announces today that:HELLENIC PETROLEUM... 27.09.2019 Issuance of a new 5-year Bond is a Landmark Transaction for HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group The issuance of a new 5-year, €500m Eurobond, with an annual fixed coupon of 2% and an offering price of 99,41, was completed successfully. As announced by HELLENIC PETROLEUM FINANCE PLC (a wholly owned subsidiary of Hellenic Petroleum S.A.), the... 27.09.2019 7th REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE: HELLENIC PETROLEUM Executives' speeches Exploration drilling in the offshore lease area of the West Patraikos Gulf is expected to commence within 2020, while geological and geophysical exploration operations are currently ongoing in NW Peloponnese lease area. Moreover, preparation for the exploration works and operations... 1 2 3 Next page