Refining, Supply & Trading - Chemicals
We are enhancing our competitiveness in refining by reducing the carbon footprint of our processes, energy, and products.
Our strategy includes implementing various initiatives and investments, such as energy efficiency projects, CO2 capture, renewable energy supply, expanded biofuel production and recycling technologies.
Refining is our core activity, conducted through our subsidiary, HELLENIC PETROLEUM R.S.S.O.P.P. S.A.. In Greece, we operate three refineries located in Aspropyrgos, Elefsina and Thessaloniki, which function as a single system. Together, they have a total refining capacity of 344 thousand barrels per day, accounting for approximately 65% of the country's total refining capacity. Additionally, they are equipped with crude oil and product storage tanks with a total capacity of 6.65 million cubic meters.

One of our key competitive advantages is our refineries’ accessibility and flexibility to process a wide variety of crude oil and other raw materials. This capability also ensures the smooth supply of the markets where we operate.

Our subsidiary, HELLENIC PETROLEUM R.S.S.O.P.P. S.A., handles the sale of fuel to oil trading companies in Greece, including our subsidiary EKO ABEE, and to specific customers. Its excess production is exported. All refined products comply with European standards (Euro VI).

Our activities are centered on the production and trading of polypropylene, BOPP and CAST films, solvents, as well as the trading of imported plastics and chemicals. We operate the only vertical petrochemical production complex in Greece, commanding a market share exceeding 50%.
Exports play a crucial role in our business, with approximately 70% of our sales volume directed to markets in Turkey, Italy, the Balkans and the Iberian Peninsula. These products are used as raw materials in a variety of industrial applications.

refining capacity
of the total production of refineries
in the supply of propylene
Integrated Refining System
Τhe three Group refineries operate as a single system allowing for maximization of synergies among them.
Built in 1958 and upgraded in 1986 to a cracking/FCC-type refinery with an emphasis on gasoline production, the Aspropyrgos refinery has a daily refining capacity of 148 thousand barrels. It features a storage capacity of 1.4 million m³ and it is recognized for its high complexity, with a Nelson Index rating of 9.7. It is fully compliant with the best available practices for environmental protection and adheres to stringent environmental regulations and safety requirements.

The Elefsina refinery, with a daily refining capacity of 106 thousand barrels, completed a major upgrade in 2012, transforming it into a hydrocracking/coking facility with an emphasis on diesel production. This €1.5 billion project has established it as one of the most modern and complex refineries in the Mediterranean region, with a Nelson Index of 12. It boasts a storage capacity of 4.1 million m³, which includes the Megara facility (crude oil storage).

The Thessaloniki refinery uses hydroskimming technology and is rated with a Nelson Index of 5.8. It has a daily refining capacity of 90 thousand barrels and a storage capacity of 1.4 million m³. As the only refinery in Northern Greece, it supplies both the domestic market and the neighboring countries in SE Europe.

A glance at our installations
Browse our industrial installations and view impressive aerial photos along with close-ups of the refinery units.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
We are committed to reducing Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030, plus an extra 20% via a renewable energy portfolio targeting >1 GW by 2025 and 2 GW by 2030. Our strategy includes producing blue H2 at the Elefsina refinery using CCS. These investments align with the SDGs for Energy, Innovation and Climate.
We aim to enhance the competitiveness of the refining sector by substantially improving our environmental footprint, through targeted initiatives and investments.