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Mr. Shiamishis will retain his duties as CFO and will assume the responsibility... 15.12.2014 Announcement for the distribution of special tax reserves, according to art. 72 of L.4172/2013 HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. hereby announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company on 15th December 2014 approved the special regime taxation at a preferential rate of 19% of special tax reserves amounting to € 79,477,054.70 and... 19.11.2014 Invitation for the Shareholders to Extraordinary General Meeting I N V I T A T I O NFOR THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY“HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA”(No G.EM.H 296601000) (S.A.REG. No. 2443/06/B/86/23)TO THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Pursuant to the Law and the Company’s Articles of Association and following the Board... 10.11.2014 Third quarter 2014 financial results Improved operating performance on better refining environment and higher exports on the back of Elefsina refinery. Crude oil price decline affected reported results. HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group reported improved consolidated operating results across all its activities with Adjusted EBITDA at €146... 30.07.2014 Second Quarter 2014 Financial Results Improved operating results across all main Group activitiesSuccessful implementation of financial strategy improving liquidity and financing termsOperating results across Group business units were improved in 2Q14, driven mainly from (a) performance of refining units, (b) increased contribution from Domestic and... 27.06.2014 Eurobond Issue results HELLENIC PETROLEUM has successfully priced the issue of a 5-year, €325m Eurobond, with an annual fixed coupon of 5.25%. Total demand exceeded €1bn, signifying a 3 times over subscription of the issue, while international institutional and private investors exceeded 60%... 26.06.2014 Eurobond Issue HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. (the “Company”), in accordance with Law 3556/2007, 1/434/03.07.2007 Decision of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, article 13 of Law 3340/2005 and 3/347/12.07.2005 Decision of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, announces today that:Following the successful $400m bond issuance... 05.06.2014 Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders I N V I T A T I O NFOR THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA(No. G.EM.H 296601000) (S.A.REG. No. 2443/06/B/86/23)TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING(FISCAL YEAR 1.1.2013-31.12.2013)Pursuant to the Law and the Company’s Articles of Association and following... 30.05.2014 RAE draft Decision issue for DESFA HELLENIC PETROLEUM announces that, following the singing of the Share Purchase Agreement for the sale of 66% of DESFA share capital (35% HELLENIC PETROLEUM – 31% HELLENIC REPUBLIC ASSET DEVELOPMENT FUND) to SOCAR, for €400 million, on 21 December 2013... 27.05.2014 First Quarter 2014 Financial Results Improved results from all business units offset the weak European refining environment Key figures for the 1Q period to 31 March 2014 are:All numbers in €m1Q131Q14% ΔAdjusted EBITDA3851+35%EBITDA-1225-Adjusted Net Income-21-19-Net Income-78-38-Net Debt2,1882,3337%Total Assets7,1236,567-8%Weak European refining environmentEuropean refining background remained challenging... 14.05.2014 Signing of Lease Agreement for Patraikos Gulf The Lease Agreement for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production in the area of West Patraikos Gulf was signed today by the business scheme comprising HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. (operator), Edison International S.p.A and Petroceltic Resources Plc., after the awarding, following the submission... 12.05.2014 Successful completion of EuroBond Issue HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA, in accordance with Law 3556/2007, 1/434/03.07.2007 Decision of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, article 13 of Law 3340/2005 and3/347/12.07.2005 Decision of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, announces today that:HELLENIC PETROLEUM has successfully priced the issue of a... 08.05.2014 EuroBond Issue Following a series of meetings with international institutional investors, HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. mandated BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Eurobank Ergasias S.A. and HSBC Bank plc to act as Joint Lead Managers and arrange the issue of a two-year... 27.02.2014 Full Year/Fourth Quarter 2013 Financial Results Upgraded Elefsina refinery contribution, as well as operational improvements partly offset the negative impact of the weakest benchmark refining margins in a decade.Key figures for the 4Q and FY 2013:4Q124Q13% ΔAll numbers in €mFY12FY13% Δ7845-43%Adjusted EBITDA444178-60%22(35)-Adjusted Net Income232(117)-(29)(98)-Net Income86(269)----Capital Employed4,3503,905-10%The...