All Corporate NewsSearch by date and topic for press releases, news and ASE announcements All Corporate News Press Releases Our News Regulatory Announcements Publications Media Kit Filter All Υears2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010 (-)20092008200720062005 Filter (-)All Content TagsChange of composition of Board of Directors – Senior DirectorsCorporate ActionsFinancial ResultsGeneral MeetingOther Announcements 28.12.2009 Announcement for the recomposition of the BoD. “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” announces to the investors that, at the Special Meeting of the Company’s Minority Shareholders convened on 28.12.2009, at 10:00 a.m., forming the quorum stipulated in the Articles (since 171 shareholders representing 20,249,522 shares/ votes, namely 25.92% of... 10.12.2009 Completion of the HELPE -BP Hellas agreement Hellenic Petroleum would hereby like to inform investors that, today, Thursday 10th December 2009, the transfer of the BP HELLAS shares was successfully completed along the lines of the announced agreement of June 26th 2009.The agreement included the transfer of... 02.12.2009 Invitation of shareholders to a Special Meeting I N V I T A T I O NOF SHAREHOLDERS OF THE SOCIETE ANONYME UNDER THE NAME“HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA”(S.A. Reg. No. 2443/06/B/86/23)TO A SPECIAL MEETINGPursuant to the Law and the Company’s Articles of Association and following resolution no. 1144... 02.12.2009 Invitation of Shareholders to an Extraordinary General Meeting INVITATIONOF SHAREHOLDERS OF THE SOCIETE ANONYME UNDER THE NAME“HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA”(S.A. Reg. No. 2443/06/B/86/23)TO AN EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Pursuant to the Law and the Company's Articles of Association, and following resolution No. 1144 of the Board of Directors adopted at... 02.12.2009 Announcement of replacement of BoD member. “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” announces to the investors that, at the meeting of the Board of Directors no. 1144 dated 2.12.2009, the appointment by the shareholder Hellenic State of Mr. Anastasios Giannitsis as BoD member, in replacement of the resigned BoD... 19.11.2009 Nine Month/Third Quarter 2009 Financial Results Improved operating profitabilityAdjusted 3Q09 Net Income up 17% Key figures for the 9 and 3-month period to September, 30 2009 are:Net Income 9M09: €201m (9M08: €143m) 3Q09: €60m (3Q08: -€79m)Adjusted Net Income 9M09: €188m (9M08: €171m) 3Q09: €74m (3Q08: €64m)EBITDA... 23.10.2009 Merger of "Thisvi S.A." HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. announces today, within the framework of the agreement to form a strategic alliance with Italy’s EDISON SpA that was signed on 3 July 2008, the merger through absorption of THISVI S.A. (which was 65%-owned by Elpedison B.V... 16.10.2009 Announcement for the 3rd Quarter/9 Month 2009 Financial Results HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA will announce its 3nd Quarter/9 Month 2009 Financial Results on Thursday, November 19, 2009 right after the close of the Athens Stock Exchange. A conference call with analysts will follow at 18:00 hours. The Financial Results will... 02.09.2009 Announcement for the merger of PETROLA S.A. «Hellenic Petroleum S.A.», announces that its Board of Directors, at the meeting of 27/8/2009, decided the merger by absorption of 100% subsidiary company «Petrola S.A.». The merger will be effected according to the provisions of article 78 of Law 2190/1920... 27.08.2009 First Half/Second Quarter 2009 Financial Results Strong operating profitability in the 1st half of 2009Adjusted 2Q09 Net Income up 4% Key figures for the 3- and 6-month period to 30 June 2009 are:EBITDA 1H09: €251m (1H08: €335m) 2Q09: €159m (2Q08: €211m)Adjusted EBITDA 1H09: €215m (1H08: €173m)... 30.07.2009 Announcement for the 1st Half/2nd Quarter 2009 Financial Results HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA will announce its 1st Half/2nd Quarter 2009 Financial Results on Thursday, 27 August 2009 right after the close of the Athens Stock Exchange.A conference call with analysts will follow at 18:00 hours.The Financial Results will be published... 26.06.2009 HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. acquires BP's Ground Fuel business activities in Greece. HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. agreed today to acquire BP’s Ground Fuels business activities in Greece. The deal excludes lubricants, aviation fuels and the solar business. The agreement, which is subject to the approval of the relevant authorities, includes BP’s nationwide network... 20.05.2009 First Quarter 2009 Financial Results Strong operating profitability in the 1st quarter of 2009 Key figures for the 3-month period to 31 March 2009 are:• EBITDA €92m (1Q08: €123m)• Adjusted EBITDA €114m (1Q08: €53m)• Net Income €34m (1Q08: €92m)• Adjusted Net Income €51m (1Q08: €47m)... 12.05.2009 Invitation to the Annual Ordinary General Meeting INVITATIONOF SHAREHOLDERS OF THE SOCIETE ANONYME UNDER THE NAME "HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. "(S.A. REG. NO. 2443/06/Β/86/23)TO THE ANNUAL ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING(FISCAL YEAR 1.1.2008 - 31.12.2008) Pursuant to the Law and the Company’s Articles of Association and, following the Board of... 05.05.2009 Notification for the Announcement of 1st Q 2009 Financial Results HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. will announce its 1st Quarter 2009 Financial Results on Wednesday May 20, 2009, right after the closing of the Athens Stock Exchange.A conference call will follow at 18:00 hours. The Financial Results will be published on the... 1 2 Next page