Shareholders Information
HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings S.A. shares are listed on the Athens Exchange (Symbol: ELPE) and the London Stock Exchange (Ticker: HLPD) in the form of Global Depository Receipts (GDRs).
Interim dividend for fiscal year 2024
HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings’ BoD decided during its meeting that took place on 14.11.2024, the distribution of interim dividend for fiscal year 2024, amounting to €61,127,037, which corresponds to a gross amount of €0.20 per share. After the deduction of a 5% withholding tax, the net amount of the interim dividend to be paid, amounts to €0.19 per share. Payment will commence on Monday, 27 January 2025.
Shareholding Structure
The Company’s share capital amounts to €666,284,703.30 divided into 305,635,185 shares with a nominal value of €2.18 each. On 31/12/2024, the shareholding structure was as follows:
Shareholders Registry Services
The Shareholders Services & Corporate Announcements Department, aiming at the effective service of the Company's shareholders, provides the following services on various issues concerning them, such as inheritance cases, certification issuance, dividend payments, etc.:
Inheritance Succession
Services relating to inheritance succession cases and the entitling of heirs
Learn moreDisposal of Common Shares
Issuance of Certificate, for the receipt of proceeds from Company’s registered physical shares disposal, from the Deposits and Loans Fund
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