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The well, drilled by Woodside Energy (NA) Ltd., is located in the Murzuq Basin approximately 1000 Km south of Tripoli and 150 Km south of the producing... 08.11.2006 New Award of Region for Hydrocarbons Exploration & Production in Egypt The Egyptian Ganoub El Wadi Petroleum Holding Company (“GANOPE”) announced the results of the International 2006 Bid Round -1 for new concessions in Egypt. Hellenic Petroleum S.A., in order to develop further its Exploration & Production portfolio, participated in this... 08.11.2006 Nine-months 2006 Financial Results Comparable “Clean” EBIT up 28% despite negative international refining environment Hellenic Petroleum Group reported nine-month Consolidated Net Income of €215 million, corresponding to €0.70 per share (EPS). Third quarter Consolidated Net Income amounted to €40 million, impacted by the negative... 05.10.2006 New gas discovery in Libya HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. reports a gas discovery in the well B1-NC210. The well, drilled by Woodside Energy (NA) Ltd., is located in Murzuq Basin approximately 1000 Km south of Tripoli and 150 Km south of the producing Al Wafa Gas... 19.09.2006 Establishment of a new subsidiary company HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. announces that the Board of Directors, according to its resolution on September 14, 2006 approved the establishment of a subsidiary company under the name «ΗΕLLENIC PETROLEUM RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES SA ” and registered address the Municipality of... 30.08.2006 Half-year 2006 Financial Results Operations-driven profitability improvement leads to 24% increase in Net Income despite weaker environment Hellenic Petroleum Group reported first half Consolidated Net Income of €175 million, up 24%, corresponding to €0.57 per share (EPS). Second quarter Consolidated Net Income amounted to... 11.08.2006 Letter of the Government of Montenegro to Jugopetrol AD kotor (JPK) concerning rights for Exploration and Production for Oil and Gas Following-up a previous announcement made by HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. on 31/07/2006, the following should be noted with regard to the above subject:The Government of Montenegro, in its letter dated 08/08/2006 addressed to JPK, a subsidiary of HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. announced... 31.07.2006 Stake in BIODIESEL S.A. HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. announced today to the Athens Stock Exchange an agreement whereby the company will take a 25% stake in BIODIESEL S.A., which is to build a biodiesel plant in Greece. The plant will have an annual capacity of... 31.07.2006 Cancellation of Concession for research of hydrocarbons between Government of Montenegro and JPK, a subsidiary of HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. Regarding publicity concerning the above matter, the following should be noted: HELLENIC PETROLEUM and its subsidiary JPK have not received any formal notification from the government of Montenegro of its intention to cancel the agreement for concessions in the underwater... 14.07.2006 Results of exploration well A1-NC210 in Libya Hellenic Petroleum S.A., following relevant statements from the consortium operator this morning, announced to ASE that the A1-NC210 exploration well being drilled by Woodside Energy (N.A.) Ltd., (Contractor of the consortium with Hellenic Petroleum and Repsol YPF) in NC210 in... 14.07.2006 Results of exploration well A1-NC210 in Libya Hellenic Petroleum S.A. reports that the A1-NC210 exploration well being drilled by Woodside Energy (N.A.) Ltd., in NC210 in Libya’s Murzuq Basin has reached a total depth of 1042 metres.The OD&E Rig 25 is drilling the well, which is located... 12.07.2006 Dematerialization of HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. shares Further to its announcement of 9 June 2006 regarding the dematerialisation of shares, HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. informs investors that pursuant to decision 3/387/19.6.2006 of the Board of Directors of the Capital Market Commission, which amends decision 1/380/4.5.2006 on the sale... 19.06.2006 Long term Lease of fuel stations in Bulgaria HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. announces the deal of its subsidiary trade company in Bulgaria, EKO – ELDA EAD, for a long term lease and exploitation of the fuel stations of the local Bulgarian company EKO PETROLEUM OOD, which is active in... 19.06.2006 New Composition of the B.o.D “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” announces to the investors that by decision of its Board of Directors during its meeting on 19.6.2006, it has proceeded to the filling of the members of the Board with Mr. Andreas Palevratzis-Ashover, who was appointed by... 1 2 Next page