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Due to... 12.05.2008 First Quarter 2008 Financial Results Net Income up by 77% to €97m in a difficult and volatile enviroment. Despite the weak margins enviroment, our refining business benefits from crude oil price increase while other businesses deliver improved perfomance. First Quarter results are up as the... 21.04.2008 Annual General Meeting Following the previous announcement of 28/03/2008, HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. informs investors’ community that the Board of Directors finalized the date of the AGM, which will take place on Wednesday, 14th May 2008. The invitation with the agenda items will follow... 21.04.2008 Invitation of the Shareholders to a Special Meeting I N V I T A T I O NOF THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE SOCIETE ANONYME UNDER THE TRADE NAME“HELLENIC PETROLEUM SOCIETE ANONYME”(S.A. Companies Register No 2443/06/B/86/23)TO A SPECIAL MEETING Pursuant to the Law and the company’s Articles of Association... 21.04.2008 Invitation to the Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Shareholders I N V I T A T I O NOF THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE SOCIETE ANONYME UNDER THE TRADE NAME “HELLENIC PETROLEUM SOCIETE ANONYME” (S.A. Companies Register No 2443/06/B/86/23) TO THE ANNUAL ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (FISCAL YEAR 1.1.2007-31.12.2007)Pursuant to the... 28.03.2008 Schedule of Intended Acts 1Q 2008 Results Announcement and Analysts’ Briefing Tuesday May 13, 2008Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Wednesday May 14, 2008Announcement of FY 07 Ex- Dividend Thursday May 15, 2008FY 2007 Ex-Dividend Date Monday May 19, 2008Commencement of FY 2007 Dividend payment... 26.03.2008 Announcement of Regulated Information, pursuant to Law 3556/07 According to article 14(3) of Law 3556/2007, Hellenic Petroleum S.A. announces that: Ι. Following a written notification received by the company Paneuropean Oil and Industrial Holdings S.A. on March 21st 2008, the percentage of said shareholder fell below the threshold... 20.03.2008 Sale of the remaining common nominal shares in HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. (SHARES NOT DEPOSITED FOR DEMATERIALIZATION AND SHARES ORIGINATING FROM COMPANY ACTS)HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A., following its announcement dated 21/2/2008 and pursuant to Decision 116/18.3.2008 taken by the Capital Market Committee's Chairman, informs the investment community that the starting date of 26... 21.02.2008 Non-Dematerialized shares' sale result during the time period from December 20, 2007 to February 19, 2008 HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A., following its announcement dated 19.12.2007 and based on the Decision no. 1/458/13.12.2007 taken by the Capital Market Committee’s Board of Directors regarding the sale of 338,417 common registered shares (shares not deposited for dematerialization, as well as... 15.02.2008 Corrected Announcement for the Publication of 2007 Financial Results The Financial Results 2007 of HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. will be published in the daily press on Thursday February 21, 2008 instead of Tuesday, February 19, as it was announced. 14.02.2008 Full Year 2007 Financial Results Strong FY07 performance:Net income grew 35% to €351m in an overall positive environment FY 2007 Net Income grew 35% to €351m, corresponding to €1.15 per share (EPS), while Group Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) increased 23% to... 25.01.2008 Announcement for the publication of 2007 financial results HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA will announce its 2007 financial results on Thursday 14, 2008, right after the close of the Athens Stock Exchange, at 17:00 hours. A conference call with analysts will follow at 18:00 hours. The financial results will be... 01.01.2008 Agreement between ELPET-BALKANIKI SA and the Government of Fyrom As already known, on August 6, 2007, the International Court of Paris adopted a positive decision in favour of ELPET – BALKANIKI S.A. – a subsidiary of HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. – with regard to its conflict with the government of... Previous page 1 2