Initiation of Buyback program

HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings S.A. (the "Company"), pursuant to a) the decision of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of 27 June 2024 (the "General Meeting") which approved the adoption of a share buyback program (the "Buyback Program") and granted the necessary authorization for its implementation to the Board of Directors and b) the decision of the Company's Board of Directors on 29 August 2024, hereby announces its intention to commence the implementation of the Buyback Program. The purpose of the Buyback Program is to facilitate the free distribution of the Company's shares a) to the non-executive members of the Board of Directors whose term of office ended on 27 June 2024, in accordance with the relevant decision of the General Meeting and b) to its executives, as well as to executives of affiliated entities, within the framework of its long-term share distribution program, as established by the General Meeting.

The maximum number of shares that can be acquired under the Buyback Program amounts to 1,000,000 shares, representing 0.33% of the Company's issued share capital, with a minimum purchase price of €5.00 and a maximum purchase price of €15.00 per share. The Buyback Program will be in effect for a period of 24 months, commencing from the date of approval by the General Meeting, that is, until 27 June 2026. 

This announcement is made in accordance with Regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014, the Commission Delegated Regulation 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 and the Resolution No. 25 of the Stock Markets Steering Committee of Athens Exchange.