“HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” (the “Company”) announces that, following the decision of the Annual General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders of 30th June 2021 in relation to the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors of the Company decided at its meeting held the same day that, in accordance with the provisions of article 44 par.1c, of law 4449/2017 and circulars No. 1302/28.4.2017 and 1508/17-7-2020 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, the Audit Committee will consist of the following Independent Non-Executive Members of the Board of Directors:
All the above have, as members of the Audit Committee, sufficient knowledge of the sector in which the Company operates and one of them, Ms. Lorraine Scaramanga, has sufficient knowledge and experience in accounting, finance and auditing (non-practicing certified auditor). Therefore, the Audit Committee with the above composition meets the scope and obligations as set out in article 44 par. 3 of law 4449/2017.
The term of the Audit Committee is three years.
The Audit Committee at its meeting of 1st July 2021, elected Ms. Lorraine Scaramanga as its Chair and constituted into a body as follows:
The CVs of the above members have been uploaded on the Company's website https://www.helpe.gr/en/the-group/group-management/