All Corporate NewsSearch by date and topic for press releases, news and ASE announcements All Corporate News Press Releases Our News Regulatory Announcements Publications Media Kit Filter All Υears202420232022 (-)2021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006 Filter All Content TagsChange of composition of Board of Directors – Senior DirectorsCorporate ResponsibilityDividendsEnergy TransitionFinancial ResultsGeneral MeetingInvestors (-)Other AnnouncementsSustainability & Corporate Responsibility 10.12.2021 Signing of agreement for the sale of DEPA Infrastructure In the context of the sale process of DEPA Infrastructure SA, the sellers Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund S.A. (HRADF) and HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA signed today the sale and purchase agreement for the shares of the above company to Italgas... 02.12.2021 ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE ACQUISITION OF RES PROJECTS 37.2 ΜW OPERATING WINDFARMS IN SOUTH EVIA HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. (“the Company”) announces, in the context of the implementation of its growth strategy in RES, the signing of definitive agreements for the acquisition of the companies «EOLIKI ENERGIAKI EVIAS S.A.» and «EOLIKI ENERGIAKI ACHLADOTOPOS S.A.» by the... 24.11.2021 APPROVAL OF PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS IN RESPECT OF THE GUARANTEED NOTES €599,900,000 DUE 2024 “Hellenic Petroleum S.A.” (the Guarantor), following its announcement dated 2 November 2021 in relation to the initiation of the consent solicitation procedure (the Consent Solicitation) from the holders (the Holders) of the 2% €599,900,000 notes, due in October 2024, issued... 02.11.2021 ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE INITIATION OF THE CONSENT SOLICITATION PROCEDURE BY “HELLENIC PETROLEUM FINANCE PLC” IN RESPECT OF THE GUARANTEED NOTES €599,900,000 DUE 2024 “Hellenic Petroleum S.A.” (the Guarantor), informs the investors community that together with its wholly owned subsidiary “Hellenic Petroleum Finance plc” (the Issuer) announced in the Luxembourg Stock Exchange the initiation of the consent solicitation procedure (the Consent Solicitation) from the... 13.10.2021 Completion of publication formalities of the Draft Demerger Deed - Availability of the Draft Demerger Deed “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” (the “Company”) announces that according to article 65 par. 1 in conjunction with article 60 of law 4601/2019, the draft demerger deed by way of hive-down of its refining, supply & trading of oil products and petrochemical... 13.10.2021 Availability of documents relating to the Corporate Transformation to the shareholders “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” (the “Company”) announces that, pursuant to article 63 of Law 4601/2019, the following documents are available to the Company’s shareholders on its website ( ( as well as at its registered seat in Marousi (Attika), at 8a... 30.09.2021 Approval of the draft demerger deed through hive down of the refining, supply & trading and petrochemical business and the establishment of a new company “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” (the “Demerged Entity” or the “Company”) announces that its Board of Directors approved today the draft demerger deed of the Company through sector’s hive down and the establishment of a new company (the “Beneficiary”) in accordance with... 09.09.2021 Preferred Bidder for the sale of DEPA Infrastructure S.A. In the context of the tender process for the sale of 100% [65% stake owned by HRADF SA and 35% stake owned by HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA (HELPE)] of the share capital of DEPA Infrastructure S.A., the Boards of Directors of... 02.09.2021 Unsealing of the financial offers for the sale of DEPA Infrastructure In the context of the tender process for the sale of 100% (65% stake owned by HRADF and 35% stake owned by HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA (HELPE)) of the share capital of DEPA Infrastructure S.A., the sellers HRADF and HELPE proceeded... 13.08.2021 Announcement regarding the onshore areas of "Arta - Preveza" and "NW Peloponnese" HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA announces that it has notified the Hellenic Hydrocarbon Resources Management Company about its intention not to proceed with further exploration activities in the onshore areas of "Arta - Preveza" and "NW Peloponnese". As a result, the hydrocarbon... 29.07.2021 Announcement of HELLENIC PETROLEUM for the initiation of hive-down “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” (the “Company”) announces that its Board of Directors resolved today the initiation of the hive-down process by way of a spin-off of its refining, supply & trading, and petrochemicals business and its transfer to a new entity... 15.07.2021 Election of the members of the Audit Committee- formation of the Audit Committee as a body “HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A.” (the “Company”) announces that, following the decision of the Annual General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders of 30th June 2021 in relation to the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors of the Company decided at its meeting... 15.07.2021 Binding offers submission for DEPA Infrastructure In the context of the sale process for 100% (65% stake owned by HRADF and 35% stake owned by HELPE) of the share capital of DEPA Infrastructure S.A., 2 binding offers were submitted from the following investment schemes:EP Investment AdvisorsItalgas... 03.06.2021 Strategic partnership for LPG logistics in Cyprus HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group announces the strategic cooperation agreement with VLPG Plant Ltd. for LPG products logistics and distribution in the Cypriot market. At the same time, on 2 June 2021, the two parties have signed an agreement for a 32%... 06.05.2021 Announcement - Response to Press Reports on new HELPE Group Strategy Following recent press reports referring to the transformation of HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. (the “Company”), we would like to inform investors:HELPE Group proceeded to update its strategy, taking into account developments in the Greek and international energy sector. In this context...