All Corporate NewsSearch by date and topic for press releases, news and ASE announcements All Corporate News Press Releases Our News Regulatory Announcements Publications Media Kit Filter All Υears20242023202220212020201920182017 (-)20162015201420132012201120102009200820072006 Filter All Content TagsChange of composition of Board of Directors – Senior DirectorsFuels MarketingGeneral Meeting (-)Other AnnouncementsTrade Acknowledgements and Change Rates 01.12.2016 Socar Announcement “HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA” (HELPE), announces that Azerbaijan’s State Oil Company (SOCAR) informed yesterday, 30.11.2016, ‘HELLENIC REPUBLIC ASSETS DEVELEPMENT FUND S.A.” (HRADF) and HELPE of its decision not to prolong the Long Stop Date for the fulfilment of the conditions precedent... 07.10.2016 Announcement for the pricing of new €375m Issue HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA (the “Company”), in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 596/2014/EU, the Decision of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission no 1/434/03.07.2007 and the Athens Exchange Rulebook announces today that:HELLENIC PETROLEUM FINANCE PLC (“HPF”), a wholly owned subsidiary of... 29.09.2016 Hellenic Petroleum Finance PLC intends to issue senior unsecured Notes Hellenic Petroleum S.A. announces that its wholly owned subsidiary, Hellenic Petroleum Finance PLC (the “Issuer”), announced today its intention to issue senior unsecured notes due 2021 (the New Notes), guaranteed by Hellenic Petroleum S.A., which are expected to be listed... 29.09.2016 Hellenic Petroleum Finance tender offer to holders of its outstanding Notes due May 2017 Hellenic Petroleum S.A. announces that its wholly owned subsidiary, Hellenic Petroleum Finance PLC (the “Company”), announced today to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange an invitation to holders of its 8 per cent €500,000,000 Notes due May 2017, of outstanding principal amount... 02.09.2016 Announcement of Business Developments EKO & HF Merger HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. hereby announces that the merger between the Group’s Sociétés Anonymes “HELLENIC FUELS S.A.” and “EKO INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PETROLEUM COMPANY S.A.” was approved on 31st of August 2016, by way of absorption of the latter by the... 06.06.2016 Announcement of Member-State of Origin The company HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A., according to the provisions of article 3,paragraph 1 of Law 3556/2007, as currently in force, informs investors that thecompany’s Member-State of origin is Greece and the competent supervisoryauthority is the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission. 16.05.2016 Repayment of 2-year Eurobond, $400m HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA announces today that:HELLENIC PETROLEUM FINANCE plc. proceeded to the repayment of its 2-year, $400 m Eurobond, with an annual coupon of 4.625%, according to the terms of the issue. The notes were guaranteed by HELLENIC PETROLEUM, parent...