All Corporate NewsSearch by date and topic for press releases, news and ASE announcements All Corporate News Press Releases Our News Regulatory Announcements Publications Media Kit Filter All Υears20242023202220212020 (-)2019201820172014200820072006 Filter All Content TagsChange of composition of Board of Directors – Senior Directors (-)DividendsGeneral MeetingOther Announcements 20.12.2019 New announcement for interim dividend for fiscal year 2019 Further to Hellenic Petroleum S.A. (the “Company”) previous announcement, dated 5 November 2019 for the distribution of an interim dividend of € 76,408,796, or € 0.25 per share, for the financial year 2019, the Company announces that under the provisions... 06.11.2019 ANNOUNCEMENT FOR INTERIM DIVIDEND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. hereby announces, in accordance with article of the ASE Rulebook, that the Company's Board of Directors decided during its meeting, that took place on 05.11.2019, to distribute a gross amount of euro 76,408,796 or euro 0.25... 11.06.2019 ANNOUNCEMENT FOR DIVIDEND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018 HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. hereby announces, in accordance with article of the ASE Rulebook, that the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company, that took place on 07.06.2019, approved the distribution of a total dividend of € 0.75...